Wednesday, July 10, 2024

HilleVax: Failed Vaccine Trial, Pre-SA, Trading Below Cash

HilleVax (HLVX) (~$85MM market cap) is a clinical-stage biotech that focuses on developing vaccines, their initial focus has been on a vaccine (HIL-214) designed to treat severe acute gastroenteritis events in infants.  On Monday, the stock crashed below cash as HilleVax announced their HIL-214 trial did not meet its primary endpoint and showed no clinical benefit observed across secondary endpoints.  Unfortunately, little other disclosures were made; there was no announcement of seeking strategic alternatives, no workforce reduction and no estimate of current cash.  The only mention of a go forward strategy was the line:
The Company plans to discontinue further development of HIL-214 in infants and is exploring the potential for continued development of HIL-214 and HIL-216, HilleVax’s Phase 1 ready vaccine candidate, in adults.
The piece about continuing to explore the potential development of HIL-216 is slightly concerning as broken biotechnology companies go.  HIL-214 (the failed vaccine) was licensed from Takeda (which owns 14% of HLVX), HIL-216 was a separate licensing agreement with a Chinese pharmaceutical company, Kangh, and thus management might make the argument the HIL-214 failure shouldn't cloud the potential for HIL-214.  However, as we've seen with many others, often the board along with their advisors determine that the cost of capital is too high to continue on their own and they'll likely decide to pursue strategic alternatives.

Running through my typical back of the envelope liquidation math:
HilleVax does have an ATM in place they leaned on pretty heavily in Q1 to raise approximately $15MM, if they continued into Q2 (which you can tell they did a bit based on the change in share count from 3/31 to 5/6 when the last 10-Q was published) it would only add upside to the math.  The risk is really in the burn rate going forward from here (also note, my Q2 number above is an estimate based on Q1) since we don't have any indication from management on their plan, my $50MM in a total guess but using some experience from the last dozen or so of these, hopefully it is directionally correct.

There could be two catalysts here, one on the announcement of strategic alternatives and another on the ultimate conclusion, but HLVX is a bit riskier than others that are further along in their wind down process.

Disclosure: I own shares of HLVX


  1. Thank you for the idea. How has Frazier Life Sciences Management handled similar situations in the past?

    1. I'm not familiar with Frazier Life Sciences, but maybe others are and will comment.

  2. Hi MDC, any thought about jumping back in on MEIP? Seems like they still have a ton of cash left and with the CEO out and strategic alts announced this could be another decent basket play

    1. How much cash do you calculate they have?

    2. Yeah, I'm still following this situation. Kicking myself a bit that I sucked my thumb on ABIO that also involved Cable Car as an activist, but the back of the envelope math doesn't quite pencil out for me at the current price. Without ascribing any value to the IP, I get something closer to a $3.75 liquidation value.

  3. Tang Capital with a 9.5% stake.


    40% RIF

    1. "charges associated with the workforce reduction of approximately $3.4 million primarily related to employee severance payments, benefits and related termination costs." Part of me thinks this is pretty low considering it's 40% RIF. But perhaps this is likely for non executive roles & so cannot be pro rata for the whole org.

    2. How are you thinking about the size of this RIF? Indicates management wants to roll the dice more here on HIL-214 (adults)/216?

  5. The markets ah reaction was negative, my presumption being due to the “continued development” comments. My opinion is that the real world doesn’t function as markets would like. In the real world cutting a workforce in half or more, or the sale of a business, don’t happen overnight. The market doesn’t like this. You’re paid to take a longer view.

    1. Would agree. And suspect there were buyers who were speculating on a greater RIF who now just want to exit.

    2. That was the same language as before, important to include the "potential to" continue development part, they haven't made a decision.

  6. MDC / All - What do you make of Tang filing a 13-G & not a D ? Surely they would get an automatic bump from a D & effectively put the company in play.

  7. AADI failed clinical trial, announced 80% RIF and pausing new enrollment. About 70m ncav and 180m nols. 24m+ SO and around 3m shares via options. With the RIF, they might become CF positive with their one current product.

    1. Thanks, I'll take a look.

    2. Just FYI, I think its RIF of 80% of R&D team, and about 32% of total FTEs.

  8. Check out ANTX, Just cratered, trading 30% net cash, BML took a 20% stake very recently. Could be interesting if they announce a big cut in work force soon.

    1. Thanks - I do like that one too. Don't own it yet, a bit fully invested at the moment, trying to patiently wait for a few of these others to play out.

    2. meant to reply here: does the poison pill not concern you?

  9. Does the poison pill here not concern you?

  10. @MDC, to what extent, if any, will rate cuts impact the broken biotech basket play?

    1. Everyone is debating 25bps versus 50bps right now, seems a bit meaningless to me, I don't know if we're going to get significant enough rate cuts to really moved biotech stocks significantly? Open to smarter opinions, but as of now, don't think it'll matter too much to the "basket".

  11. 25% RIF
